Learning Bridge and our community partners are committed to providing equitable access to high-quality early learning in a caring and safe environment so that every child thrives and every child is ready for kindergarten! We believe every child deserves the opportunity to achieve their full potential, regardless of their background or circumstances.

Tuition assistance is available through two primary means:

  1. For income-eligible families who work or go to approved school or training programs, the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) helps pay for child care expenses.  Families are required to cost-share on a sliding scale, and eligibility is based on family size and income. Learning Bridge is a CCAP Site Provider. More information about IDHS CCAP is at Act for Children. Please contact Executive Director Bernice Mahan at mahanb@lbeec.org for enrollment assistance.

  2. For working families whose income is above the IDHS CCAP eligibility limit, community-wide scholarships may also be available. Scholarships are made possible thanks to individual, family, and corporate donors. Please contact Executive Director Bernice Mahan at mahanb@lbeec.org for more information.